Platform Study of Belantamab Mafodotin (GSK2857916) as Monotherapy and in Combination with Anti-Cancer Treatments in Participants with Relapsed/Refractory Multiple Myeloma (RRMM)

What's the purpose of the trial?

This trial is testing which types of anticancer treatments can be safely combined with Belantamab Mafodotin (GSK2857916). It is also testing which doses of Belantamab Mafodotin combined with anticancer treatments are better at treating myeloma than Belantamab Mafodotin on its own.

Trial status

Active, Not Recruiting

Phase 2
Last Updated
4 weeks ago
Patient Screener

Published Results

Explore published results and other resources associated with this clinical trial (including press releases, news articles and videos).

DREAMM-5 Study: Investigating the Synergetic Effects of Belantamab Mafodotin Plus Inducible T-Cell Co-Stimulator Agonist (aICOS) Combination Therapy in Patients with Relapsed/Refractory Multiple Myeloma

A total of 23 patients treated with belamaf + aICOS were included in this preliminary analysis. The median (range) of prior lines of therapy was 5 (3–10). The majority of patients (21 [91%]) had an Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status (ECOG PS) of 0–1 and the remainder (2 [9%]) had an ECOG PS of 2. Thirty percent of patients (n=7) had high-risk cytogenetics, and no patients had extramedullary disease.

The preliminary overall clinical response rate for the total population was 48% (n=11; 95% CI: 26.8–69.4), with 26% of patients (n=6) achieving a very good partial response or better (Table).

Nineteen patients (83%) of the total population experienced an adverse event (AE) related to study treatment and 12 patients (52%) experienced Grade ≥3 AEs related to study treatment. A total of 16 patients (70%) in the total population experienced any grade ocular AEs while 9 patients (39%) had Grade ≥3 ocular AEs related to study treatment. Only 2 patients (1 each from cohorts A and B) permanently discontinued study treatment due to AEs. Dose reductions and delays were used to manage AEs in several patients (Table).

3 years ago Read more

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